Crystals for Beginners

Life has taken many ‘unusual’ twists and turns over the last year and keeping yourself sane amid the mayhem can sometimes be difficult. Feelings of being held back, anxiety, or overwhelming stress can lower your energy or vibration, much like turning down the volume of your life. But, believe it or not, you have the ability to turn up the volume anytime you like.  You are not just made up of skin and bone with emotions flying around uncontrollably. You are energy, a mass of magnificent molecules vibrating. You just need to know how to control this energy and adjust the volume to raise your vibration at will.  

Crystals much like you have a vibration or a frequency and they have a very positive effect on your energy helping you not only heal and balance but to move forward in your life.

For example, if you are feeling anxious, ungrounded, insecure, very fearful or perhaps there are money worries, crystals such as Black Obsidian and Aragonite can help to ground you. While Tigers Eye also roots you in it raises your vibration and aids in attracting more money into your life. Citrine is another handy one here too, as it is a stone of joy and abundance. When feelings of overwhelming anxiety grip you, Amethyst sends out a soothing vibration and helps you to listen to your intuition.

Using crystals is very easy. You can place them beside your bed and set up what I call a little puja or sacred space for yourself with a candle, some sage, or Palo Santo to cleanse your energy fields. To clear your head of mental, chitter-chatter put a Selenite Wand under your pillow.  Holding crystals in your hand while you visualise, journal, meditate, or popping them in your wallet or pocket is ideal. While placing Shungite on your computer or mobile phone can help with draining electromagnetic energy emitted from all our devices.   

Children love crystals and they can be a great way to ease their little worries. There is a beautiful free meditation on my website called The Magic Crystal Box. This meditation will help your child release and let go of anything that is bothering them. The Magic Crystal box is also available on my online Crystal Shop too.

If you do need help with your crystals, I hold monthly Crystal Workshops and have complimentary phone consultations each Tuesday when you are purchasing them. I will talk you through what is going on in your life and give advice on what crystals you need. 

Your crystal journey will lead you in many wonderful and exciting directions opening you up to the power that lies within you.

Just follow your intuition!


Judith McAdam is author of The Source: Connect with your Inner Power and Create your Own Reality. Judith is a Theologian, Kinesiologist and Reiki Master holding workshops and events monthly. Her online Crystal Shop is supported by free visualisations, meditations and her Crystal Tuesday consultations. She also provides a free Instagram Live meditative visualisation each week on a Wednesday nights at 9pm using crystals and other metaphysical tools to release stress, anxiety and fear while helping people to consciously create the life of your dreams.


Judith McAdam on the Elaine Show on TV3